Dog Training Australia

Senior Dog Care: Tips for Keeping Your Aging Companion Healthy and Happy

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Senior Dog Care: Tips for Keeping Your Aging Companion Healthy and Happy

Think about the unconditional love your dog has shown you over the years you’ve spent together. The joy, loyalty, and laughs they brought to your life. Now that they're in their senior years, you want to take care of them twice as much as you have already done. 

Changes in their body and their moods will happen, but your loyalty stays and you love them just as much. Loving them and showing you love them will take more effort than before, but with the right information and research, you’ll do fine!

Here we listed helpful tips on keeping your senior dog healthy and happy, and how these things will make their golden years incredible.

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Overcoming Behavior Challenges: Strategies for Dealing with Aggression, Anxiety, and Fear in Dogs

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Overcoming Behavior Challenges: Strategies for Dealing with Aggression, Anxiety, and Fear in Dogs

Fear and anxiety are normal, adaptive responses for dogs. There will be things they’ll get afraid of, or things they’re already scared of, and during their formative years, you’ll be the one helping your dog navigate through moments of fear and anxiety. That is to prevent any bad behaviour from escalating, leading to aggression.

But sometimes, there are instances when your dog's anxiety or fear goes unnoticed, like when they’re in a new environment, or when they encounter a phobia you didn’t know they had. 

Because of these missed opportunities, they continue to encounter their stressors repeatedly, without you knowing. That's how they’ll start to develop defence mechanisms which later on become a nuisance or worse, harmful to others.

To help you understand how to prevent and/or treat anxiety, fear, and aggression in your dog, it’s important to understand their nuances, symptoms, and signs first.

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The Importance of Mental Stimulation for Dogs: Keeping Their Minds Sharp and Active

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The Importance of Mental Stimulation for Dogs: Keeping Their Minds Sharp and Active

As a dog owner, you want your dog to stay healthy and live a long life. That’s why you properly and consistently train them, feed them good food, give them their basic needs, and exercise them regularly.

But, there’s one thing you’re forgetting: their mental health is equally important! If you see them lying all day or sleeping most of the time and you think that’s all they need, nu-uh! Dogs can only engage in so many activities on their own. They’re waiting for you to do engaging activities with them, or give them mentally stimulating toys they can play with or solve.

Here are the benefits of mental stimulation to your dogs, and what activities you can do to keep them mentally healthy.

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Holistic Approaches to Dog Health: Integrating Nutrition, Exercise, and Mental Wellness

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Holistic Approaches to Dog Health: Integrating Nutrition, Exercise, and Mental Wellness

Your dogs are your joy, and you want them to be as happy and as healthy as they can be. You take them to the vet, feed them, and exercise with them, but the path to optimal health often extends far beyond routine vet visits and basic care regimens. You have to see your dog as a whole.

That's what holistic dog care does. It goes beyond conventional medicine to embrace natural remedies, alternative therapies, and lifestyle adjustments tailored to your dog's unique needs.  

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Positive Reinforcement vs. Punishment: The Best Approach to Dog Training

Posted by Jackie Ly on

Positive Reinforcement vs. Punishment: The Best Approach to Dog Training

The age-old debate that's been stirring up dog lovers everywhere: positive training versus punishment. You've probably heard about these two approaches in dog training, which is especially used in dealing with aggressive and unwanted behaviours. 

Positive reinforcement is all about rewarding good behaviour to encourage more of it, while positive punishment is more about making your dog feel the consequences when they step out of line. But which one's really the best fit for you and your dog? 

Let's break it down and find out.

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